Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Romans 12-13: Ethical Teaching

Notes from David Gill's Ethics class at First Pres Berkeley. This study focused on Romans 12-13 as a comprehensive outline of Christian ethics and values. The graphic below outlines these two chapters written by Paul.

This graphic shows the flow of the two chapters. Click for a larger view

The first and last sections instruct us that Christian ethics are shaped not by this world but by God's coming kingdom and that we are to be living "as in the day" (which those ethics in mind) even though it is still night. We are to be transformed "by the renewing of our minds" and not conformed to this age or culture.

The second and four sections concern both the church and the state. Christian ethics is always meant to be practiced in relationship and community. And when it comes to the state or government we are reminded that God works for good outside the church and works through institutions who have authority to punish evil and praise good.

The third and fifth sections teach us what Christian values look like in practice. This is the content and summary of the Christian ethic.

I have detailed notes from each of these sections that I will post soon.

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